About this site

Philip's IT Memos is the personal IT problem solutions notebook of Philip Trew.

Photo of Philip TrewI am now retired. During my employment I worked as a computer support professional in an educational environment, and since retirement I have remained very active in CAD application software development and web applications development.

Everyday, my development activities are made easier by searching out problem solutions on the Internet, and for this, I am very grateful to all those people who so generously contribute their experiences for the global good of all developers.

But often, I come up against a blank when searching for a solution to a particular problem, or the information I find is wrong, and then it is down to basics and work out an answer for myself.

For this reason, I have decided to create this notebook which will be a mixture of information I have collected from the net, and my own contributions which I hope will be of help to some people.

I must thank my wonderful wife Claude for giving me the inspiration to create this site, and for reminding me that to receive, I should always be prepared to give.
